Thursday 10 August 2017


Bags were packed, including this gift for my birthday from my sister-in-law Alice...
Who said it looked like a 'Sandy bag'.

And now I am in Birmingham for the Festival of Quilts. It will be wonderful to meet up with old friends and make new ones. I sort out the rota of volunteers for the SAQA gallery exhibition. This year I have a piece in that exhibit!

I also have a few pieces entered into the competition part of it. Including:
Willows by the Watercourses
In the Quilts Creation section

Ramshackle Villages
In the Art Quilts section

70,273 Project - My Contribution
In the Contemporary Quilts section

If you are coming to the show, look out for them! and maybe I will see you there.

The Thoughtful Man and Holly will be minding the house. A Certain Young Man is off to visit his cousin who works in Jersey.

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