Friday 7 November 2014

Beading advice update

The other day I asked for advice. I am looking ahead to some projects for next year. I want to learn a few more 'proper' beading techniques.
New bead ideas

Deanna was the only one who replied. Great wisdom. Basically "Try it out first and then decide." Ummm. Yes, you are right!

Also, yesterday was blog post 1600. So in honour of that... Deanna, if you can email me with your address, I will send you a little something(s?)!

The past few days I have been having quite a clear out in my studio. I am clearing the decks for a major project. I got the table space sorted. But I really needed to go further. I still had a box of paperwork and lesson plans from when I was teaching stored under a table. Very unsightly random bunches of scrips and scraps of things which could be used for the Design units and so on. Oh how I ache! But when it is done, I can concentrate on the big project without the clutter weighing on my mind. I know if I don't do it now, it could be next Autumn before I get a breathing space again. The first part of the year is generally right out straight with other projects in the run up to various exhibitions.

Once I get started on this project, I am not sure just how much I can show. So, the posting frequency may be somewhat reduced. Still doing the daily beading though!

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