Tuesday 4 June 2013

Remembering 60 years

Today was the service to commemorate the coronation 60 years ago of Queen Elizabeth II.
Congratulations! and Thank You very much.

I was impressed with the comments from the Archbishop of Canterbury about how the young queen passed the coronation throne and went straight to the altar to pray. Years of service ahead dedicated to God. and as the anthem goes, He has sent her...long to reign over us.

And in the last months I have become more and more impressed with the commitment from the Duke of Edinburgh...still by her side, though more and more frail.
Watching one of the parts of the ceremony blending the new and the old...
a group representing the wide range of people who are Her subjects - including 2 little children who brought a smile to the Duke's face. They brought the special anointing oil to the altar - and so the intense concentration of the Queen.

Well done to His Royal Highness, too. I hope he gets over his cold/cough.

both photos were taken from the telly.

1 comment:

Sarah Liz said...

What a very lovely post - she is certainly a special woman, and he has shown such remarkable devotion to her calling as well.