Sunday 9 September 2012

catching up and away

Just a quick catching up from the last 2 busy days.

Friday I went to London to Margaret Cooter's MA show. Intriguing work from the MA Book Arts area. And also in some of the other areas discovered while getting lost in the rabbit warren of a building.
If you follow the link above, you can scroll through the recent posts about how the exhibition is going from Margaret's perspective. Oh and a photo of me and another visitor friend.
Some of Margaret's work.

Saturday was the TVCT meeting. Great brainstorming session in the morning.
And a fascinating talk and demo by Barbara Gunter- Jones about her work using cyanotype on paper and fabric. She calles them photograms.
I was really interested in the background of the discovery and first uses of cyanotype in the mid 1800's.

All sorts of ideas, and especially after the demonstration. I used one of her precoated papers to make a little print of my own. I actually have a kit in my drawer, but now I have the motivation to have a go with it.

Will post more about both later in the week, but today we are off to York again to see the MIL. Tuesday she will be 92. She is sounding a bit better in herself, which is a great relief.

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